The Money Wallet

This is so kool, kinda wanna get me one. I just hope it doesn't cost a hundred dollars to get one of this...I always found it quite ironic that you have to spend money in order to get something that you put money in. Shouldn't wallet be free? Makes sense to me...
Glee's Busting Your Windows
Mercedes (actress Amber Riley) from Glee, sings the Jazmine Sullivan's car-bashing hit "Bust Your Windows"
ahhh, makes me excited about this show...There's so much buzz around, this'll defintely be a hit show....
check out the video.
BB Updation
Pretty good episode...okay I wanted to do a thing about how I feel about each person & thier stance in the competition, but that's too long...so here's a shortened version of that:
Don't know who won HOH cuz it one of those long endurance ones, but I'm gonna cheat and look it up now. And the winner is: No ONE! Russell & Jeff are battling it out (GO JEFF!)
I'll update about who wins later....
*Update: Russell won! Jeff & him came on an agreement for Jeff & Jordan to be safe. I don't know if Russell will keep it, but he might since, the cliques are finished. This is even a better time to vote for Jeff for the Coup d'etat....*
- Ronnie: Officially do not like him. Please send him home next week, he's just so happy he's still here, like he did it....please.....I don't like his attitude, plus he like backstabbed everyone in the house...so he should go...
- Lydia: This (I want to say the b-word) girl is WEIRD. She watches Jessie's while he's sleep. Then she wore this like mustache thingy, I didn't get it. I think the BB house is making her crazy, like coo coo(idk).
- Casey: Had to wear a banana suit this week cuz of the POV competition, pretty funny. He also went home today. Do NOT like that! But he cracked me up at the live eviction. He called out Ronnie & Jessie, too funny! He said Jessie has the IQ of "ironically, a banana". Just shows you teacher get no respect!
- Jeff: I'm now putting my money on him to win. He's a person I would like to see win, he would be like the underdog, come back and beat Jessie, Natalie and Ronnie.
Don't know who won HOH cuz it one of those long endurance ones, but I'm gonna cheat and look it up now. And the winner is: No ONE! Russell & Jeff are battling it out (GO JEFF!)
I'll update about who wins later....
*Update: Russell won! Jeff & him came on an agreement for Jeff & Jordan to be safe. I don't know if Russell will keep it, but he might since, the cliques are finished. This is even a better time to vote for Jeff for the Coup d'etat....*
Housewives of Atlanta = DRAMA!
I am officially a fan of this show now. It's so crazy! NeNe is a mess, Sheree is a mess. They all a mess! It's such hilarious-ness. Today, the new season premiered. And thanks to Comcast Digital Cable, we have Bravo so I can watch it!....ha...

(a pic of them last season)
Okay at end of today's episode Sheree totally got into it with the party planner, like crazy, like they was about to fight, ya'll. I must say that it's like alot of uncessary drama, it seems. It's alot of he say, she say, which is stupid to base "friendships" on....
but of course I'm going to tune in every Thursday, cuz I have nothing else betta to do with my summer, and it's drama filled & quite hilarious....hahaha
other than that I'm chillin,
I am officially a fan of this show now. It's so crazy! NeNe is a mess, Sheree is a mess. They all a mess! It's such hilarious-ness. Today, the new season premiered. And thanks to Comcast Digital Cable, we have Bravo so I can watch it!....ha...

(a pic of them last season)
Okay at end of today's episode Sheree totally got into it with the party planner, like crazy, like they was about to fight, ya'll. I must say that it's like alot of uncessary drama, it seems. It's alot of he say, she say, which is stupid to base "friendships" on....
but of course I'm going to tune in every Thursday, cuz I have nothing else betta to do with my summer, and it's drama filled & quite hilarious....hahaha
other than that I'm chillin,
OMG I saw that glee video the other day and I'm so set on watching it this fall!!!
So basically I'm up to almost four shows (supernatural, heroes, glee, lie to me) that I plan to follow next year.
You're watching two of em with me, right???
yeha! Glee & Heroes!
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