I'm really liking this "Random Tidbits", it's like I can update about things totally unrelated. Amazing!
Big brother first episode
so BB is still my current obsession. But I really didn't enjoy the first episode, I think it's because it just started out. I was just expected something more. I guess, but anywayz one of the people I hated from last season is back on the show: Jessie.

(can't believe I just posted a pic of him on my blog...uhh)
He's this body-builder, conceited person...i hate people like that....he just thinks he's the shit when he ain't shit. like really, and this person is back on the show.....at least he'll bring good drama.... i guess.
But ummm oh the new thing this season is everyone is split into high school cliques: Brains, Athletes, Popular, and Offbeats. What clique do I belong in Brains, Popular, or Offbeat (most def not Athletic)?? idk. I think I'm most def closer to Brains. yeha. oh and if someone in the clique gets HOH (head of household) then everyone in the clique is safe. So that def changes the game.
***updation: Tonight's episode was alot better. Got to know some people a little more. And a little drama ensued. Not much, but you know I'm excited. So yeha we'll see what happens. Two People have been nominated...Tuesday's show is going be about Power of Veto competition. sooo yeha...
My Video in the Making.
So I've been working on a video that is a combination of random videos I have taken with my HP Webcam. I'm gonna put it on youtube and of course on here, one of these days. It'll be my production of the summer.... i guess.....
Life update
Life, has been the same for quite a while. Doesn't look like I'm getting a job. But I think that's okay. I've been kinda doing the same thing e'erday but not really. I don't know. There's not much going's on. But if there was...this "Life update" would be more updational....
Dance your ass off.===============================================================
Big brother first episode
so BB is still my current obsession. But I really didn't enjoy the first episode, I think it's because it just started out. I was just expected something more. I guess, but anywayz one of the people I hated from last season is back on the show: Jessie.

(can't believe I just posted a pic of him on my blog...uhh)
But ummm oh the new thing this season is everyone is split into high school cliques: Brains, Athletes, Popular, and Offbeats. What clique do I belong in Brains, Popular, or Offbeat (most def not Athletic)?? idk. I think I'm most def closer to Brains. yeha. oh and if someone in the clique gets HOH (head of household) then everyone in the clique is safe. So that def changes the game.
***updation: Tonight's episode was alot better. Got to know some people a little more. And a little drama ensued. Not much, but you know I'm excited. So yeha we'll see what happens. Two People have been nominated...Tuesday's show is going be about Power of Veto competition. sooo yeha...
My Video in the Making.
So I've been working on a video that is a combination of random videos I have taken with my HP Webcam. I'm gonna put it on youtube and of course on here, one of these days. It'll be my production of the summer.... i guess.....
Life update
Life, has been the same for quite a while. Doesn't look like I'm getting a job. But I think that's okay. I've been kinda doing the same thing e'erday but not really. I don't know. There's not much going's on. But if there was...this "Life update" would be more updational....
So there's this new dance show on the Oxygen network called dance your ass off. Basically it's helping fat (overweight?, obese?) people get into shape, with dancing, AND working out, and changing their eating habits and such.
It sound likes a really good idea. I find it mildly entertaining. It'll be good to see some changes eventually. OH, what I really wanted to say is that they've been having them wear some bogus out-fits, gee and they be thinking they be sexy...but it just be nasty. I mean till you lose some weight I think you should cover that up (but that's just me...)..

(This is okay)
(this is not)
Dairy Queen

(none of these are snickers blizzard, but they all look good :) )
I'm such a fat kid!
The Color Purple- the Musical

Is coming to Chicago from Sept 2 -13. Totally want to go, WAIT I will go (if I say I'm going to do something then I more likely going to do it). Fantasia going to be in it. And I hated myself for not going to see it when it was here before, so it'll be pretty awesome to see. Not realy sure why I updated about this. I think I just wanted to remind myself...whatev....I'm going.
The Color Purple- the Musical

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