i guess....yeha....
1.Nigaz: Racist??
According to therawfeed.com, there is a Russian and Nigerian joint venture
called 'Nigaz' (hahahaha funny). Racist?! maybe. Probably not.... the company is called
Gazprom. Combined with Nigeria, and abbrev-ed, you could get Ni(geria) gaz (prom). and according to one of the commenters on the post Gaz in russian means gas....idk. I just thought this was funny, caught me by suprise or somethin'....hahahaha
2. Fish stole an old woman's dentures?
Nope. It's a fish with human like teeth. Found this on Damn Cool Pics, which this defintely wass..
check out these pictures...

kinda freaky? right...but still damn cool.....
3. I could never be a weatherman.
Cuz my predictions about the Wimbeldon women's final was wrong. The Williams battled it down and what not. And I thought Venus would win but Serena won.

Didn't get a chance to watch it, cuz it came on like super early on saturday......it was over bout the time i woke up and turned on the tv (like seriously...serena was holding the medal thing and then it went on commerical...)....I guess you should never underestimate anyone....I'm glad she won though..I'm just wonderin when someone else is gonna come along and beat them...or are they gonna have to quit to stop winning? who knows....
4. Blog Design
Has been the same since I started this blog.....thinking about changing it up. hopefully it'll be EPIC or something.....coming up in a couple day i guess or whenever I get around to it..
aight that's it...
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