so since I haven't been up to much
I have been watching tons & tons of stuff,
including movies (with On Demand and such).
Here's a list of ones I thought was worth mentioning...
*sidenote: Don't think I updated about this on here, but me and my friends decided to come up with a Black Movie List ( I think the official title is Black-tackular...). A Black Movie is movie where the main character(s) are black...basically (at least to me) there has to me 3 or more main black characters...but anywayz some movies will be Black-tackular that's what that means.*
1. Double Platinum

this movie stars Diana Ross & Brandy, came out in the '90s. Anywayz I found this movie highly enjoyable (more than I expected I guess). I mean there was singing and even a little drama. oh, the plot, so Diana Ross is Brandy's mother. Diana Ross is a star, and Brandy is an upcoming one. (yeha so they get to sing). But I enjoyed it. I think it's definitely Black-tackular worthy.
2.Final Destination

watched this one On Demand. I was looking for something with drama and thrill, and I thought this would be it. Okay, It Def was. so that airplane scene was crazy, wait the whole movie was crazy. I feel like someone has to be crazy/suicidal to think of different ways for people to die. Though, I do want to watch the rest of the series now. But I def had to watch something funny after this (even though it wasn't that scary)...just so I would think about it. It was actually a "scary" movie and not gory.
3.The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings

Yes, a long title = hilarity. Really enjoyed this film. Kinda old, came out in the '70s (as you see I don't try to get correct dates, who cares?). But it stars Billy Dee Williams & James Earl Jones (Love how it's their whole names) who are pretty young in this film, at least compared to now. It's basically a sports movie (baseball), but actually really funny. At first I didn't really get the humor (idk sometimes I'm really slow). But this is most def black-tackular worthy.
4. Fantastic four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer

I remember seeing the first one, and I thought it was pretty awesome (at least what I could remember of it) but I found the sequel to be really lame (per usual). I don't know it wasn't exciting to me at all. It sucked. One funny thing: I forgot Kerry Washington's character was blind, I was just like what happened to her?! cuz she had such a funny look on her face. Then someone said something and I was like oh she's blind. Other than that really didn't like it. I know what it was. It got to outer spacey. yeha.......
5. Cube

Okay really enjoyed this movie. About seven people who find themselves in place full of cubes. And basically try to escape. That's all I have to say. It was a pretty good movie though. It really interested me, the math involved in the movie (cuz I'm geek......). If there was more black people in this movie it would definitely be black-tackular (i think one of the guys was mixed....maybe he might've been hispanic or something). but it's not soooooo.....
I have been watching tons & tons of stuff,
including movies (with On Demand and such).
Here's a list of ones I thought was worth mentioning...
*sidenote: Don't think I updated about this on here, but me and my friends decided to come up with a Black Movie List ( I think the official title is Black-tackular...). A Black Movie is movie where the main character(s) are black...basically (at least to me) there has to me 3 or more main black characters...but anywayz some movies will be Black-tackular that's what that means.*
1. Double Platinum

2.Final Destination

3.The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings

4. Fantastic four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer

I remember seeing the first one, and I thought it was pretty awesome (at least what I could remember of it) but I found the sequel to be really lame (per usual). I don't know it wasn't exciting to me at all. It sucked. One funny thing: I forgot Kerry Washington's character was blind, I was just like what happened to her?! cuz she had such a funny look on her face. Then someone said something and I was like oh she's blind. Other than that really didn't like it. I know what it was. It got to outer spacey. yeha.......
5. Cube

6. Waterworld

anywayz, that my movie rambling.
if you read all that, then you're amazing!!!
if you didn't, then you're probably not reading this right now.
P.S. The name Kevin Costner was DEFINITELY on the movie poster you posted. LOL.
oh I kno, I found the post after I wrote it....
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