Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This could actually be random post...

Cuz I don't have nothing specifically to update about (like I ever do)

well maybe

so today, since I was home alone, I do things that people do when they're home alone.
I made a video. It's the beginning of my vlog, that's probably not actually gonna be a vlog.
Sometime tomorrow I'm gonna post it on this blog. I personally thinks it hilarious (then again I think I'm the funniest person alive...i mean really....if people were inside my brain sometimes they would be crackin up...cuz I notice stuff people don't and I find many things really funny) (<----longest parenthesized comment ever!!!)

maybe not

I decided to do some random things...
went to Google typed in Adrian:

1st website Adrian College (I belieive it's in Michigan, the reason I know this is my junior high band director went here, and he usta tell me about it all the time)

1st picture
Adrian Grenier captioned The Sexiest Man Alive

also went to Youtube typed in Adrian:
1st Video

Adrian Mutu: The Phenomenon


okay that's it.
This was an absolutely pointless post...but I just had to update or I was gonna die!

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