Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm finally updating

Guess because now I feel I have time, and plus I'm kinda bored actually, well in addition to procrastination but it'll all get done tomorrow.

First of all this is my 300th post. Woot! (this has taken forever......). Yeah I don't know when my next posts will be, but's cool.

TWO. blogger has changed incredibly much, but hey that happens all the time with this social networking thing.....

3) this will probably be a rambling of sorts, cuz I'm just typing as I go and stuff..

#4 Teaching is a lot of work. Hardest thing I've ever done in my life. and honestly I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Maybe because I'm just focusing too much on the negative stuff. I don't know I just want it to be better already.

V. But my students are great. I just want them to learn. And that's not happening with everyone.... But they provide me with plenty of laughter and amusement. They definitely give my life meaning, definitely can see my purpose. just wish it was easier i suppose. Yet I realize that mathematics, at least the mathematics I teach is not really my passion. I definitely like math, but not as much as I use to. And I think it's because I don't see as much usefulness for it out-of-school context. Again I'm talking about the mathematics I teach. (sigh)

F. It also made me realize how much I LOVE music...I love singing (duh) and listening to music is so awesome.  I love listening for small inflection or changes, and things that are slightly out of tune. I can't really describe it, but I love it...

Six.  I need to go to church more often/ find a church home. Need it. It's weird being an adult, and having to officialize (making up words) so many things, like what I believe in religious, my (non-existent) political views/voting, paying bills, spending habits, food and shopping. Alot of stuff was based on what my parents did, and now on my own I now have the decision to do WHATEVER, and that's what scary to me because I don't know what to do I suppose....

Neves. I don't like being an adult. It's hard. I just think my life is tough in general, cuz I'm learning to rely on myself, which is usually is alright until I don't want to do anything. (which often happens on the weekend) so basically my life consist of nothingness (besides teaching), which makes adulthood seem awfully

ATE. My birthday is coming up soon. 23. I want to do something AWESOME. like drink. with friends in my apartment.  

9. My apartment is still pretty bare. I haven't had the time (more so the will) to go out and buy stuff. I'm slowly getting there though ( I got a rug!). Hopefully by the end of the year ( calendar year I mean) I'll have my living looking pretty nice. Hopefully....

!*. this is the last one. I don't know the next time I'll update. Hopefully before the year is over. This was fun. random updates  about stuff in my life. I could probably write more, but then this would lbe the post that never ends. 

- Also: Thanksgiving was fun. Ate tons, went back to K3. Church and Family. I miss it. uhhh yeah.

(random picture why not....hahaha...chicken and watermelon...which interestingly bring up a story. my parents came to visit me in October. and basically we ate chicken and watermelon. so stereotypical Ikr???)

until next time