are once again dominating the tennis world at Wimbledon. Now I don't watch much sports, but for some reason I can watch tennis. weird, cuz I have def have no inkling to play it (that stuff look tiring).
Today was the women's semi-finals: consisted of two games, each with a Williams sister. Serena struggled to win hers, but I it looked like a good, drama-filled game. Venus though easily won hers(against the No.1 person whatever her name was), I was so suprised I was like dang! (that's how suprised I was). Apparently Serena's match took like 3 hours to finish ( one reason why I won't be playing tennis, games too damn long...). But they both won in the semi-finals, and once again they get to play against each other.
Venus has won Wimbeldon the last two years I believe. So that's who I'm thinking is gonna win. But you never know with though Williams Sisters.
I believe the game comes on Saturday...yes Independence Day! ( which was when I realized Great Britain doesn't celebrate the Fourth) the little voice in the back of my heads says: "duh, Idoit! Great Britain wouldn't celebrate the American Independence Day because it's a celebration of America's Independce from Great Britain. That's like saying.....gosh I can't come up with a good analogy....but you get it!"
Also I'm so tired of seeing Michael Jackson's name in the media. The guy has been dead for a week, let him rest. Cause nobody really cares anymore about his death(and by nobody I means Me). Just have the funeral, so people can move on with their lives. It's so annoying!. I kinda wanna make a youtube video about it similiar to the Leave Britney Alone! one. I can just see it now: LEAVE MICHAEL ALONE!!!

(kinda looks like he's saying in the middle of saying 'Alone' as in 'LEAVE ME ALONE!', which would go really nice with my post, but of course we all know he's just screaming...hahaha)
......anywayz....hopefully by next thursday we won't be having this same problem. This crap is ridiculous and blemtious!
I have about 2 months left of summer about.......and I have accomplished nothing. This is about the point in summer where I am so tired of seeing these same people. I guess you could say I miss NU! (my alma mater...."Hail to Alma Mater........) By these same people I mean my family..and by family I mean my immediate family, which makes me wish I was doing something more.....more...what's the word?....idk....just MORE....hahahaha
alright...dude I think this was an actual post pretty kool, huh?!
hmm... Great Britain Celebrating Independance day is sort of like....
Native americans celebrating Thanksgiving? (ok, just imagine a bunch of cherokees sitting at the table going "on this day, the white man began to steal our land from us... and we gave him food."
IDK if it works, or if it's racist (pretty sure it's racist though) but it's all I got at 4:30 in the morning.... I'll get back to you with a better one :D
hmmmm i think that's a good one...I could get with that...
yeha i'm pretty sure its racist...but whatv..hahaha
thanks for the comment...
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