hey another round of this....
watch 'em.....
this vid is pretty funny. Sarah Palin is pretty funny. I just like the chorus of this song...plus Shane Dawson is hilarious.
I have general communication problems, forget Language Problems, but I do have moments like why did I say that? that doesn't even make sense! yeha watch this vlog.
3. NeYo / Ne Yo crying in Manchester. Concert Postponed and Crow
This was just generally weird, I though maybe he was crying cause of song he was singing...nope...um crying cuz he couldn't perform or something its just really weird. To me, if you're gonna cry, can you cry offstage? cuz that was just awkward.
4.Praise & Adoration sings "Spiritual Medley"
I did find a video of it (YEHA!). the Spiritual Medley by Sounds of Blackness. not the original group butthey did a pretty good job. I just felt like this song would be really hard to perform live, probably cuz I have exactly gotten the medley/notes down yet. so it was kool to see someone perform it...
5. Chris Browns REAl apology
okay hilarious. that's all I have too say. I was laughing hard....almost on the floor.
6. The Soup: MJ Montage Mania
This was my problem with the whole Michael Jackson thing. Like people talking about stupid shit. Like seriously you have nothing else to do with your life. I do admit this was pretty funny.....
alright that it.
I LOVE THAT VIDEO! Shane Dawson is so entertaining :D
LMFAO at haterazzi: "for wearing this shirt"
hahahaha :D
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Dude, shane dawson = hilarious-ness! He's my New-favorite-person-I-really-don't-know.
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