This is going to be a new "segment" on my blog. Probably won't be that often, but
it'll be my chance to rant about stuff.
So this is stuff I don't like.
1. Virus, the Computer Kind.
They suck. So my house computer was running all slow. Then come to find out my mom clicked on something, that downloaded this program called Personal AntiVirus (Ironic), so I spent like Sunday trying to get it off the computer. Had to download this Macaffee (<---that's not how you spell it) that got rid of Virus and such. anyways it good, cuz it was free with Comcast internet.
I got all the stuff off there now, but it still runs slow, especially on my user profile, and my dad's apparently. But it runs faster on my mom's. it just sucks, so I'm totally abandoning that slow computer, and it's back to my laptop (now that I found a good, stable place where I get internet, ironically on the computer desk, hahahaha).
2. Mosquito Bites.
They suck, too. I have one on my left arm, and it sucks. I have no idea when I got it, I think it had to be Friday cuz that was the only time I was outside at night time, and when I got all itchy.
I just really don't like em. They itch, and even though you scratch it, it still itches. uhhhhhhhh. Could totally do without them right now.
3. Kids Shows
Suck big time! Doesn't help I have a 9-year old brother, who watches the most babiest stuff ever. The annoying thing about kids shows is there is always some type of stupid song, that talks about nothing helpful. And it's just really annoying to hear that, like Seriously, kids aren't that stupid! Like they're not (totally).
Don't get me wrong I love the classics, Barney, the Wiggles (okay maybe not a classic, but love them anywayz). but all this other stuff is just annoying and I don't like it.
Yes this are things I don't like. That doesn't mean they're the devil. It just means they annoy me at this present moment, and I wish they would go away (like the devil). yeha okay they are....
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