i'm once again writing on this here blog
to tell ya somethings that is (are) on my minds.....
yo, yo, check it out!
fo reals tho!
2016 Olympics

will be revealed tomorrow @ 11:55 am. Will Chicago go get it? The whole world or at least my whole world will be tip toeing (who says that?) with anticipation. I don't want them/us to get cuz it'll change so much stuff that we know about Chicago. But ya know when ya got the President & Oprah (what is up with this chick, it's like dang Oprah got mad power yo!) backing you up we are bound to get it. If we don't, I'm pulling the race card ( And yes I actually I have a standard 52 card deck, with all the races in the world..) because I can. we'll see.
Marching Band Tuba Tumble
remember when I posted that video about the Ohio State Tuba player knocking out that cameraman?.Well, here's an even funnier one and it comes from the one and only Northwestern University Marching Band (Go 'Cats!....????). (Goodness around the 1:10 mark, but you should probably watch the build up)
Top that Ohio State! We had two Tubas involved. This is particular funny to me because I had no idea that this had happened while I was marching this. It's one of the funniest things ever. This will go down in the history books
So this is the portion of the blog where I wanted to write something really insightful....but I don't feel like so I won't and I'll save that for another post or probably not.
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