Friday, December 17, 2010

Blog-a-versary : Whew!

Since today is my blog-a-versary and almost 2011, I present some of my favorite quotes from 
some of my favorites posts in 2010. 
I guess I'll make this chrono-ma-logical....

January 10, 2010 A Day of Change  - I talk about change:  

"how one minute you can be one way, and then the next something crazy can happen which will turn your life upside down.or how you can feel one way for a long time, but then feel the opposite outta the blue."

 January 26, 2010 Walking - Yeah this gets real deep. About walking:
"I began notice that other people around me were walking to places, also. And I started to think about people in the world who were walking also. And I started to think about how maybe some people were walking long distances or even short distances, or some people were walking trying to find food or water, others walking because they were lost and had no clue where they were going."

 February 10, 2010  Stereotypes Omg I was real serious about stuff. Love it:

"But I do know I will forever be a black man.and I have to realize I'm different, I'm gonna be viewed as different, different things are going to be expected of me just because I'm a black male. and that will affect all aspects of my life. and it's something I gotta deal with.......FOREVER..."

 February 11, 2010 Decisions. I find this post still relevant today, because I still having to make tough decisions about life:

"so this I pray
until my dying-day,
Lord, Please help me make a decision,
about anything, show me what I am to do.
Cuz I really have no clue,
and you know what's best for me,
and you know what lies ahead for me."

March 24, 2010 A Day at the Dentist. People talking to me at the dentist office. I do not like.

"the first person, a woman, was talking on her phone all loud and stuff (i ain't wanna hear that),
and then she got off and was like "I don't like when people talk on their cellphones all loud..blah blah blah.. sorry..yada yada"
"B!%^#, I don't know your life!"   "

April 14, 2010 Woke up this morningThis is funny, I still feel the same way about school.

"but i actually I woke up this morning,
and my first thought,
I quit [school].
I really freakin hate school, despise classes and  its evil step-daughter work.
If school was a person I would literally stab it in the heart a million times, watch it die slowly......
and then laugh hysterically ......yes....."

 May 9, 2010 Get's no love from me. Poem to/about my this blog. Greatness.

"Wow, blog!
you get's not love from me.
i've been spending time with other blogs
watching movies, youtube, and glee
but blog you get no love from me.

I remember when  I first began you
I had so much to say
I wanted to let the world know everything
sometimes I posted three times a day

But as time went on
and homework, school began
i had other things to do
writing a post in the plan ......."

June 6, 2010 Simply Updating. Career Backup Plans. Enough said.

Career Backup Plans
1. my elaborate plan to move to the U.K. for 10yrs gain a British accent, come back to the states open up a bar and D.J.
2. CTA bus/train driver
3. Backup Dancer
4. Run for Vice President w/ Kira (La)Frank for Prez.

Sept 29, 2010 Definitely should update now. Post on crack. or maybe I was on crack. Who knows?

"but this is why I like to have a blog because sometimes I can be serious and sometimes I can be completely way outta on left field not paying attention to the person at bat, cuz I was trying to get some peanuts and cracker jacks, but all the peanuts were salty when I don't even like salty peanuts and I just didn't want them and the guy was arguing with me, "how could you not like salty peanuts, what are you, not American?!" and I said actually I'm Asian. (wait, I think my analogy got lost somewhere). "

Yeah. Hope you enjoys.
Peace & Chicken Grease!

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