Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Woke up this morning

feeling like P.diddy
no i don't like ol girl with dollar sign in her name......

but i actually I woke up this morning,
and my first thought,
I quit [school].
I really freakin hate school, despise classes and  its evil step-daughter work.
If school was a person I would literally stab it in the heart a million times, watch it die slowly......
and then laugh hysterically ......yes.....

that's how much I hate it. I'm just so tired of assignments and this due, that due, and all this crappy
de crap crap.

but I definitely can't quit now . I come to far from where I started from (haha). My ancestors put... [insert inspiring story about black people and slavery here].....

but other than classes...
I'm doing alright.......feels like i gotta alot on my plate, but i already ate 2 plates of food, and I'm full as hell.....

there's alot future plans I need to get together soon, including Housing for next year, and Breakthrough coming up in the summer, and just other things in general about my last year of college (ya serious?! I just got here), and what the crap Ima do with my life...

that's about it......i gotta get the grind.....


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