Not happy about that.
But hey what can I do when I go to Northwestern (transfer??, not at this point)
I had one class today, so it's slowly easing me back in. Tomorrow though is gonna be the KILLER ( and by killer I mean murderer and by murderer I mean the bringer of death). I have 3 classes tomorrow (though usually I will have 4, NO Discussion Section this week!)
Besides classes this quarter I will be doing NCE stuff again (this time I get to be in the concert!)
This includes publicity and the website, and this will go one until the end of the quarter. (This is the point where I tell myself I'm back on the grind <--whatever that means!)
I am hoping (which means I better) try out for little shop of horrors this month. so that should be exciting.
This should be a good quarter though. I'm gonna try to laugh, smile more, and focus on the positive, no matter how crappy I feel or the day has gone. Why make my life a miserable hell, when I can be happy for being just ALIVE
for REALZ!
I don't have much else to say.
Look at this picture and laugh.

(The Caption is "FUCK YOU GRAVITY!" hilarious.)
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