But now I'm headed back to Kankakee, K3, the Keys, the Kank (hahaha) for winter break
(Deuces to E-town).
It'll be nice to be around fam and such for more than 3/4 days(stupid thanksgiving break),
I'll get to celebrate Birthdays( my brother's) and Christmas
so it should be fun.
Hopefully I'll be able to get in some much needed shopping (for myself, I don't really buy Christmas presents, cuz then you have to get everyone one).
And hopefully I'll get in some much needed relaxation, and tv watching, movie watching, and general just not worrying about school. There's some plan to hang out with High School Peeps, which should be interesting because I haven't seen anyone in forever.
here's a random picture, I thought was pretty kool
It's the World Smallest Snowman

( It's constructed of two tiny tin beads that are usually used to calibrate an electron microscope, and welded together with platinum. It's only fifth the width of human hair.)
Here's a cooler picture of it.

Speaking of snowman, and coldness and stuff. What is going on with the weather, g-fizzle?
Ever since the night of my Birthday (I'm telling that day is really special) it's like God flipped on the winter season switch. Like I woke up the day after my birthday and there was snow on the ground and i was "wait what?, there's snow on the ground" (yeha) and ever since it's been that crazy snowy, windy, rainy, icy, down-right unbearable winter in Evanston that we all look forward to every Winter quarter.
Ahhh, this rant reminds of a post I post right when I was starting off basically me talking to snow.
I'll probably re-post that. cuz it'll be just as relevant in about a week or tomorrow.
Yeha so Winter's officially here.
Also, I wonder how this would taste.
My theory of food is that everything taste better with bacon, so far it has been proven be true.
I have yet though to try bacon and chocolate, I'm sure though I've had bacon with a donut before.
Either way I think this would taste delicious, or interesting.
Chocolate Covered Bacon Maple Donut Bar

I must admit this makes me want to try it. I of course got this from This is why you're fat.
that's it.
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