Welcome to the 5000,111111th edition of 'tube mania!
I am your host, (you kno my name)....
@ Tube Mania we present you with the funniest videos currently on the Tube...
watch them and enjoy....cuz that is your job..to laugh or whatev...
1. Top 60 Ghetto Black Names
funny video. some of my fav names Bon' Qui Qui, and of course the last one....
and that really long one (it's Ri- DUNK- u- lous) . watch it!
2. Episode 1 Cappuccino Mocha Twist- Swine Flu, Sweet Sixt
a couple of my friends, decided to make a TV show (similar to this one in written form). Let me tell you they're a funny bunch...btw you might just see yours truly on this show sometime in the future....(and you know im hilarious) so watch it! support my friends, they really need it....this is how they make their money....jk..
3 . Iron Mic: Eli Porter vs. Envy
watch this rap battle: who do you think should've one....i have my opinion, which is Eli Porter... he kilt-ed it! i think there was some discrimination up in the piece. (btw, i kno im wrong but i do have to admit that long pause was really funny).....watch it...
That's it folks....
stay tuned for the next episode of Tube Mania!
Brining you the funniest videos ever!!!
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