i'm not sure what I wanna update about so it'll probably be a spewing of things...
Wait, I watched X-Men, for the first time last night...

that movie was awesome! can i say that???!....(yes i can this is my blog)
but um yeah...is there sequels to this? it has to be (yes i checked dummy there is sequel, gosh!)... anyway it was kinda amazing...
speaking of movies....i also watched this movie called Gattaca,

takes place in the future...
where people basically get to pick the genes of their kids....so it brought the idea of geonism, (racism of the genes, i mean i kno that's not right but whatev..) i think it was called...and i was just like that would be crazy...like talk about being discriminated for who you are...like damn! they'd be like 'yo genes aint no good, you can't have this job' ...crazy thought right?
i enjoyed it, tho.
Rahsaan Patterson....sounds like Chaka Khan(that's a statement and a fact, no opinon), that's all i have to say (well not really)...he's like a neo-soul artist (people i like more and more the more i listen to their music) but ummm dude is kinda kool...I can't remember the exact song but he sounds just like Chaka Khan and I'm like, that's crazy..(well it aint that crazy)
Speaking of music, i guess, though not the same genre...James Fortune's I'll Trust You, is really good...love that song...like the chords and just the sound, maybe the tone, are like weirdly good. anywayz it is the "Most Played Gospel Song" (whatever that means), i guess they mean the fact that its been on the charts for like a long time more than 50 weeks i believe idk actually..but really good song
yeha okay this was music and movie post whatev...
check out the links..if you want..cuz i dont really care actually..
aight peace..& chicken grease!!
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