so i had this dream involving Tom Hanks

anywayz i wake up at like 10:15, turn to channel 7 to see what they are talking about on the view ( yes, I watch the View, i think it's because of Whoopi...i love Whoopi!) ..and Tom Hanks was on the show (it was like a re-run cuz he was promoting hismovie Angels and Demons). so I decided to watch it cuz i figured it had something to do with my dream. wasn't to sure what the connection was..it was funny cuz i was staring at Tom Hanks the whole time to see if I could see some feminine charateristics (inconclusive)....but there was this part on the show..where they were talking about Tom Hanks and this other guy on this one show where they were dressed up as women. here's a picture, don't think this was the exact image in my dream.


was on last night for a ridicuolus amount of time (almsot four hours, damn awards shows). I wanted to watch it to see some of the tribute to Michael Jackson..some things could have been soo much better about the show...if they had more days of course......all i have to say is Don Cornelius (dude is old) should follow his own advice AND never be on television again....i literally turned the channel...it was nice to see the O'Jays perform though....that was kool...
i just have to say everytime I see Debra Lee (the head woman in charge of BET(whaa???)) think of the boondocks, depiction of her and BET

3.Bernie Madoff...

so don't really now who this dude is...but apparently dude was sentenced to 150 years in prison for investment fraud (DAMN!!!). so dude is not gonna live that long...the judge was just making a point or something like that...i think his attorney(s) was trying for 12 years...like think about it.. 150 vs. 12....damn! i think though that he made some people like really really poor or something...i don't feel like reading about it...but i just heard about it on the news...crazy though to be sentence to 150 years for anything besides murder.....what's even more sadder-wer was that dude saw the victims and said sorry ( i guess after the fact)
...yeha WTF?!!
holla at cha boi!
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