Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's official

I hate school.
I hate assignments.
I hate homework.
I hate reading.
I hate doing math problems.
I hate discussion.
I hate lectures.

Basically I hate classes. 
All I want to do is lay in bed all day, pick my nose, eat a jar of pickles, laugh, fart, and sneeze. And still get A's and graduate. That's all.

But unfortunately such is my life now. Back to being a student. It's a harsh reality. Luckily only 8 more weeks of this crap. Then I becomes an adult, which is scary but it'll be pretty exciting and adventuresome to say the leastest.

Um what else did I want to update about.....
Peanut Butter and jelly sandwiches? 




I mean nothing really interesting is happening. Dang my life's so uneventful now. I need to change this.
while I figure that out, watch this video.

This is video of my vlog, which never quite took off and will never probably again. But really this is hilarious to me still this very day....I am a mess.

so I'mma got do something with my life....
much love

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