how quickly Black History Month approaches,
I mean we are already 4 days into the new month.
And can I just say, (yes you may)
that this quarter is going by inexplicably fast,
like really, there's still so much i have to do,
in like less than a month,
but i can do it, hopefully.
things r going well though,
classes r starting to do their thug-dizzle thing in my life
well my only bad day is like Tuesday, which means Monday nights suck ASS!
but once I get past Tuesday, I recover Wednesday and Thursday Friday (no homework ever done on Friday),
and then must prepare myself for the next Tuesday over the weekend.
umm I already applied for Breakthrough Collaborative, sent my application in on Saturday
(i actually turned it in when I said I was) an interview this Monday @ 10:45 AM on gchat
yes, I hope this works out, it will be nice to go somewhere this summer, better than staying in the Kank,
and also it'll give me some type of teaching experience,
now all I need is a back-up plan (just in case)
but I'm praying I won't need it.
also I think I'm gonna try and do the Senior Thesis thing. Hopefully, I will be able to traverse through all the things I gotta do to do it and hopefully I can stick with it. I'm apprehensive about it still, but we will see.
Currently "looking" for an apartment to stay next year, I think it will be nice. But I'm thinking it probably gonna cost me the same amount of money to stay in a dorm, seeing as how what I saw by calculating in my head right quick, that the school just gives me enough money for tuition. so we'll see.
yes I'm am still rambling, and if you made it this far u get a gold star.

if not then u don't get NOTHIN!
it really doesn't matter cuz I don't really have anything else to talk about......
maybe update later (well it can only be later ya dummy)...
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