on saturday about midnight...i think.....
let's just say circa midnight-ish....
me and some friends...got stuck on an elevator...
it was a very nice elevator tho suprising...very sleek, shiny, and black......
we were goin to the 7th floor, lucky eh, and some how some way
got stuck b/t the 6th and the 7thfloors...i mean it happens right?
well twenty minutes passed until we got off, not bad right........
but alot happened in that time........
crying, laughing, singing (old negro spirituals, gospel, random, and etc), story telling, playing of Big Booty (with people outside the elevator also mind you, amazing), and also just totally standing in silence just waiting for the time when we would reach land (actually the floor)......
very exciting experience though......my first time actually being stuck on an elevator.......wasn't scared at all though......it was fun....i was just waiting for someone to have a baby...cuz that always happens on tv....but thanks goodness no one was pregnant....hahahaha
it did remind me though of this video i saw entitled "Holy Elevator", where these people sing a song totally about the holy elevator, asking Jesus to take them higher on the elevator check out it....kinda hilarious....
but ummm
(all the children scream)

aight geezy(ies)
Peace & Chicken Grease
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