Starring Samuel L. Jackson, as the crazy neighbor cop
and Kerry Washington and some white guy, Patrick Wilson, who i never heard of before...
it's a pretty decent movie, can make you kinda mad...because you're just like seriously...people dont act like that..... do they?.....
....... (random)
really deals with racism tho, because washington's & wilson's character are an interracial couple, and wanted to be a family and Jackson's character totally opposes that (didnt really get why...maybe i wasn't paying attention..) ...i give the movie props for that...racism always big issue that needs to be dealt with...
I guess samuel is trying out some new roles....well i dont remember him always being so like evil...cuz he's also in the move The Spirit,

where in the preview he just looked weird, the entire preview was weird....not that interested in seeing it...check out the movie trailer..
i did see the movie for free so i dont know exactly if Lakeview Terrace is worth the money......
yeha that its im done rambling.....
PEACE & CHICKEN GREASE (i guess this is my official sign off now....idk)
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