Friday, January 16, 2009


............The Boondocks....................
(love it!)

if you don't know about you should cuz i feel like i was the last person to find out
about this....its an amazing show with black characters, and defintely black language
just love it, so realistic, characters are really real (hahaha)....story lines are great....i feel like every show has a message that relates to the current issues facing the black community whether making fun of something or not....but its really good.

Regina King (227, recently in This christmas)

provides voices for Riley brothers, Huey and Riley.
can i just say she's amazing never knew she could be so her....

The guy that played Pops from the Wayans Bros and Ice Cube's dad from Friday, his name is John Witherspoon plays the Grandaddy adds the generational element to the show, great.

AND they always have guest voices from all types of black celebrities, its pretty cool to recognize the voices.
anyways here's a clip where Huey describes a Nigga Moment (haha):

you should watch just because i made a whole post about so it must be important(and it is)...hahaha

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