Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ramblings about Various Things

Sleeping In

(Baby Koala Bear Sleeping) 
Sleeping in Today was Amazing, it was the first day since I got in Colorado that I wasn't up before 8 AM.
I woke up at 10 today, and then just laid in the bed for 2 hours: AMAZING!
Hopefully all my weekends won't be like that, but this weekend definitely I just needed to chill.

I watched the soccer game today (the second time in my life I've actually watched one, first one was USA vs UK). Unfortunately we lost, to Ghana. It would've been kool to see them continue. What I find amazing is how things look when the do replays, they like slow it down and zoom in, and it's like totally crazy like all the positions their bodies be in. Soccer is definitely no joke, physically. But this is:

It's been kool being out in here in Colorado. Today was the first time it rained since I've been here. All the others day were HOT and sunny. But it's actually really really beautiful, esp. the campus the school is on. SO pretty. I hope it stays that way, although I do need a little rain every now and then in my life.

Persons Unknown

But um, oh, I wanted to talk about this new show called Persons Unknown, airs on NBC on Mondays. It's about this seven people who get like kidnapped and sent to this ghost town. they basically are trying to escape, but they have no idea why they are there, who it is that's watching them (there's camera's everywhere). And they tried to escape many times, but they were all unsuccessful. I like the story, but not so much the acting, especially the main character lady, SO BAD.

Also another problem in like the first two episodes (there's only 3 so far), the main male is white (no surprise) but he was like seen as the leader, he was doing everything to help them escape, and the black guy (who is a soldier) was kinda like his 'slave', from my point-of-view, cuz he was like yes sir I can do that (no exactly, but you'll have to watch it to get what I'm talking bout), but I figured that was coming from him the army thing, which in a way slavery sorta. Also the black guy is Muslim, which I thought that was interesting. There's also this blonde chick, who I think was like drunk when she got kidnapped, which was kinda funny.Then there's This CRAZY lady, she was like in the psychiatric place, the rich guy, and the sketchy-looking guy. But um I'll be watching this hopefully every week. or at least catching up on the weekends.

Big Brother
Speaking of shows, Big Brother (I can't believe all last summer, I updated about that) is coming back on july 8th, don't think I'll be able to keep up with the episodes during the week, hopefully I'll be able to watch it on the weekends. There's no info on the houseguests or the house yet, there will definitely be something by next week.

Okay that's it, I don't feel like typing anymore.

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