Thursday, March 12, 2009


I Know i haven't posted in awhile put
i've been busy/lazy...but that's alright...i guess
this are my newly favorite videos on youtube,,,
and by favorite i mean they're actually under my favorities section on youtube

1. Pattie Labelle sings ABC's gospel style

Video is amazing...i think every kid should learn they're ABC's like this.....with
Pattie Labelle....brought back good memories of sesame street

2. Pre-game of NUMB at Alamo Bowl

Again another amazing, wait fantastical video, this video is filled with so much emotion...
that first note of fanfare just gets me, amazing...see if you can spot me I'm the one without a plume....yeha

3. Breakfast song

This song had me rolling.....probably can still get a good chuckle, roll around on the floor laugh from me...My only question is: what's wrong with breakfast??? idk this video is too hilarious...

4. PARC DMers sing Mulan

This features some people i kno, i mean my friends (hahaha). Singing mulan's be a man for DM (Dance Marathon) ultimately for Project Kindle, families affected by AIDS, (they're doin it for AIDS! hahahah) pretty awesome...
and guess who's the cameraman...?? (me...duh...)

5. Who's on first

Can I say that this is amazingly funny...I so mad i hadn't seen this its the fact that its keeps going for a good 6:00 just want them to stop but keep going at the same time...priceless...

okay that's it.....
I think this was pretty awesome...
maybe it'll become part of my regular kind of posts....just maybe...


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